Explore and experience Katakolo in Ilias of Peloponnese. This charming port town, just 14 kilometers from the capital, Pyrgos, attracts visitors with its bustling ferry and fishing boats. The lighthouse and boats only add to the romantic ambiance of this scenic location. Katakolo in Ilias Peloponnese is easily accessible by car, train (via the Pyrgos-Katakolo railway line), or ferry, offering ample opportunities to stroll around seaside shops. Discover great hotels, delicious traditional taverns, and cafes, to enhance your visit and truly experience Katakolo in Ilias of Peloponnese.

Things to see & do in Katakolo

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How To Get There


The port of Pyrgos, the capital of Ilia Prefecture, lies 13 kilometers away from Katakolo. From Pyrgos KTEL, you may take your trip to and from many other towns in Ilias region, as well as Athens, Patras, Tripoli, and Kalamata.

►View for more details, bus routes & tickets here

One of the ways to travel to Katakolo is by car. The distance between Athens and Katakolo is over 300 km. Hire a car and use a reliable navigation system or map to determine the best roads to take. Consider factors such as distance, traffic conditions, and scenic routes to make your journey more enjoyable.

►Rent your car here!

Special routes are operated from the port of Katakolo to the ancient site of Olympia throughout the summer. There are also a few train connections between Pyrgos and Olympia.

►View for routes & train tickets here